


Investing in Medical Nanotechnologies



Investing in Medical Technologies, Conference and Exhibition 2006
Royal Garden Hotel, London, UK

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Day 1 - Wednesday 13th December
Day 2 - Thursday 14th December
8.30 - 9.20

The Promise of Nanomedicine

9.20 - 9.30
Welcome Note from Chair
Ottilia Saxl, CEO, The Institute of Nanotechnology
9.30 - 10.00
Keynote/Introductory Presentation
Prof. Sir Michael Rawlins, Chairman, National Institute of Clinical Excellence, UK
10.05 - 10.35
Nanomedicine: opportunities and roadblocks
Dr Paul Smit, Senior Vice President, Philips Medical Systems
10.40 - 11.10
Nanotechnology Enabled Medicines

Dr Arne Hengerer, Director, Molecular MRI, Siemens Medical Solutions

11.15 - 11.45
Session 2:
Small Company Presentations

Chair: Dr. Paul Smit, Philips Medical Systems

11.45 - 11.55
Nanobiotechnology at the Interface

Dr Dale Athey, Managing Director, Orla Protein Technologies Ltd

12.00 -12.10
Functional Nanocoatings for Surface Biotechnology
Dr Jas Pal Badyal, Surface Innovation Technologies
12.15 - 12.25
Future non-biofouling materials by nanoscale surface modifcation
Dr Tessa ten Cate, TNO Science & Industry
12.30 - 12.40
Carbon coated nanomagnets for biomedical applications
Dr Rudiger Klingeler, Institute of Solid State Research at IFW, Dresden, Germany
12.45 - 12.55
Anti-Cancer therapy using novel gene delivery technology
Dr Andreas Schatzlein, Founder and CSO, Nanomerics

Session 3: Small Company Presentations

Chair: Dr. Leonard Fass, GE Healthcare
14.00 - 14.10
Label-free screening of bio-molecular interactions
Dr. Mathew Cooper, Founder and CEO, Akubio Ltd
14.15 - 14.25
Nanomedicine and Infectious Diseases: the use of nanoviricides™ in the treatment of acute and chronic viral illnesses
Dr Eugene Seymour, CEO, Nanoviricides Inc,
14.30 - 14.40
Selective Nanoparticle Mediated Cell Killing
Dr.Martin Roland Jensen, Nannovation Biotech


Medical Nanotechnology - Patents, Regulation, Risks, Safety and Society

Chair: Ottilia Saxl, CEO, The Institute of Nanotechnology
15.30 - 15.50
Keynote presentation-
Nanotechnology and risk: Insurability challenges and requirements for success
Dr Thomas K Epprecht, Senior Risk Specialist, Swiss Reinsurance Company
15.55 - 16.15
An Introduction to Patents in Nanotechnology
Mr Hilton Lord, Partner, Marks&Clerk
16.20 - 16.30
EMEA’s reflection on nanotechnology-based medicinal products for Human Use
Dr Marisa Papaluca Amati, Deputy Head of Sector, European Medicines Agency (EMEA)
16.35 - 16.45
Lead Aerosol Size Distribution and Occupational Health
Dr Robert Muir, Innospan
16.50 - 17.45
Panel Discussion
17.45 - 17.50
Closing Remarks
17.50 - 19.00
19.00 - 22.30
Event Dinner

8.30 - 9.00

The Promise of Nanomedicine II

9.00 - 9.15
Welcome Note from Chair
Prof Shervanthi Homer Vanniasinkam, Vascular Institute, The General Infirmary,Leeds
9.15 - 9.45
Keynote Presentation-The Role of Nanotechnology in Healthcare
Dr Leonard Fass, Director, Academic Relations, GE Healthcare
9.50 - 10.20
‘Bionanotechnology in Australia’
Dr Bob Irving, Scientific and Commercial Director, Nanotechnology Victoria Pty Ltd, Australia
10.25 - 11.00 Refreshments
Session 6:
Small Company Presentations - Nanotechnology in Diagnostics, Imaging

Chair: Dr. Robert Porter, NPL Biotech Group
11.00 - 11.10
Novel Piezoelectric film technology for diagnostic applications
Dr Neil Butler, CEO, Vivacta

11.15 - 11.25

Electronic Nose Technology for the early detection of TB

  Dr. Tim Gibson, R & D Director, Scensive Technologies Limited
11.30 - 11.40
Anti-Viral Nanomaterial Targetted at Pandemic Viruses
Dr. Paul Reip, CEO, Qinetiq Nanomaterials
11.45 - 11.55
Nanoplex ™ Biotags:  A Transformational Optical Detection Platform for Clinical and Point-Of-Care Diagnostics
Dr Peter Corish, Applications Manager Biodiagnostics, Oxonica Healthcare
12.00 - 12.10
Endomagnetics: Making Magnets Work For Healthcare
Prof. Quentin Pankhurst, Deputy Director, London Centre for Nanotechnology, and Co-Founder, Endomagnetics Inc.
12.15 - 12.25
Nanoparticles for the Next generation of Rapid Tests
Dr Maryam Mehrabi, University of Liverpool
12.30 -13.45 Lunch
Session 7:
Investing in Medical Nanotechnologies - Evaluation, Finances and Challenges

Moderator - Del Stark, CEO, European Nanotechnology Trade Alliance
13.45 - 14.05
Keynote presentation -
Medical Nanotechnology: Business Models, Financing and Valuation
Dr. Ogan Gurel, CEO, Duravest Inc
14.10 - 14.30
Keynote presentation -
EIB financing of Research, Development and Innovatrion Projects
Dr Kim Kreilgaard, Head of Division, European Investment Bank
14.35 - 14.45
Are you ready for investment?
Paula Knee, Quotec Ltd
14.50 - 15.00
Industry Reputation and Investment Risks
Dr John Browne, Strategic Advantage
15.05 - 15.15
The Role of Technology Roadmaps in Making Investment Decisions in Nanotechnology
Dr Malcolm Wilkinson, Manging Director, Technology for Industry Ltd
15.20 - 15.50

Panel Discussion: Investing in Medical Nanotechnologies – Evaluation, Finances and Challenges

Panel: Dr Ogan Gurel, Duravest Inc.; Dr Kim Kreilgaard, EIB; Paula Knee, Quotec Ltd; Dr John Browne, Strategic Advantage; Dr Malcolm Wilkinson, TFI Ltd.

15.50 - 16.00
Conference Close

Updated: 12/12/06

Supported by:

Euro Nano Trade Alliance