


Investing in Medical Nanotechnologies



'Investing in Medical Nanotechnologies' has a host of international speakers:

See the profile here: Speaker profiles

Prof. Sir Michael Rawlins, Chairman, National Institute of Clinical Excellence, UK

Dr. Paul Smit, Senior Vice President, Philips Medical Systems

Dr. Philippe Cleuziat, Strategy Management Director, Molecular Biology, bioMérieux

Dr. Leonard Fass, Director, Academic Relations, GE Healthcare

Dr Arne Hengerer, Director, Molecular MRI, Siemens Medical Solutions

Dr. Kim Kreilgaard, Head of Division, European Investment Bank

Dr Thomas. K. Epprecht, Senior Risk Specialist, Swiss Reinsurance Company

Dr Ogan Gurel, CEO, Duravest inc

Dr. Dale Athey, Managing Director, Orla Protein Technologies Ltd

Dr. Peter Corish, Applications Manager Biodiagnostics, Oxonica Healthcare

Dr. Mathew Cooper, CEO, Akubio Ltd.

Dr. Eugene Seymour, CEO, Nanoviricides Inc.

Dr. AG Schätzlein, Founder and CSO, Nanomerics

Dr. Neil Butler, CEO, Vivacta

Del Stark, CEO, European Nanotechnology Trade Alliance

Dr. Jas Pal Badyal, Surface Innovation Technologies

Dr. Robert Muir, Director and co-founder of Innospan Ltd

Dr. Bob Irving, Scientific and Commercial Director, Nanotechnology Victoria Pty Ltd

Hlton Lord, Partner, Marks and Clerk

Supported by:

Euro Nano Trade Alliance